Mozes Jacobs


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Hello! I am a first-year computer science PhD student at Harvard University, advised by Professor Demba Ba. I am supported by the Kempner Institute Graduate Fellowship. My research interests are primarily in computer vision and generative modeling. Previously, I worked at the AI Institute in Dynamic Systems with Nathan Kutz and Ryan Raut. I earned my B.S. in computer science from the Allen School at the University of Washington, where I worked with Rajesh Rao and William Noble.


LinkedIn: mozesjacobs
Email: mozesjacobs [at]



Gradient Origin Predictive Coding

I did my Undergraduate Honors Thesis, ``Gradient Origin Predictive Coding'', under Dr. Rajesh Rao. In short, I created an encoder-less VAE that performed inference using the gradient of the variational loss. You can find the thesis document here.